Tuesday 25 January 2011

baby eaters

How about some tasty human fetus stew?  

it has been reported in the Seoul Times (9 June 2009) is that in China the human fetus is being served as a form of nourishment.  The article claims that in China baby herbal soup is held to “increase overall health and stamina and the power of sexual performance in particular”.  

Now, the observation that I wish to make is the liberals on abortion are in no position to criticize the practice in China of consuming the human fetus for food.  Why?  Because liberals on abortion insist that the fetus does not constitute a human being, and so has no moral standing at all as a human being.

In order to be consistent in their inconsistency, the response of liberals to China has to be the following:
Why, of course, any woman can offer her fetus for the ingredients of a meal.  She may of her own volition go to an abortion clinic in order to arrange such a thing. It is just that no one can force her to offer her fetus as one of the ingredients for a delicious—or, for that matter, disgusting—meal.

What is going on in China makes it clear that the time has come to embrace the right moral conception of consistency with regard to the fetus; and that consistency cannot be that the fetus is nothing more than a clump of cells.

this is really disgusting ...

plz spread this to make people aware of this fact.
this can help to realize the culprits that they are doing very bad thing for mere sake of a piece of meat.
god has given many other things to humans to enjoy and to feed them selves!

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